Schistura amplizona Kottelat, 2000
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 Family:  Nemacheilidae ()
 Max. size:  9.09 cm SL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  benthopelagic
 Distribution:  Asia: Mekong in Nam Tha and Nam Youan basins in northern Laos; Luosuojiang River subbasin in Yunnan, China.
 Diagnosis:  Anterior nostril pierced on front side of a flap; processus dentiformis present; lower lip interrupted medially; lateral line complete; anus about 1-2 eye diameters in front of anal-fin origin; 8.5 branched dorsal-fin rays; 5.5 branched anal-fin rays; caudal fin emarginate, with 9+8 branched rays; axillary pelvic lobe present; body yellowish with a broad very faint grey midlateral stripe; 5-7 broad blackish brown bars on body, wider than interspaces, wider anteriorly than posteriorly, usually wider on lateral line than on back; black bar at caudal-fin base slightly oblique, restricted to lower two-thirds; a black spot at the base of upper principal rays; dorsal fin with a long black blotch, along base of branched rays only; series of marks on rays of all fins; head slender; no notch in lower jaw; caudal peduncle with hard dorsal and ventral keels on posterior half, 1.42-1.69 times longer than deep (Ref. 36949).
 IUCN Red List Status: Data deficient  (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  harmless
 Country info:   

 Entered by: Boden, Gert - 15.02.01
 Modified by: Bailly, Nicolas - 31.10.12

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.

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