Canthidermis maculata (Bloch, 1786)
Rough triggerfish
Canthidermis maculata
photo by Patzner, R.

 Family:  Balistidae (Triggerfishes)
 Max. size:  50 cm TL (male/unsexed)
 Environment:  reef-associated; depth range 1 - 110 m
 Distribution:  Circumglobal. But not in Mediterranean. Western Pacific: north to Hokkaido, Japan and east to French Polynesia. Eastern Pacific: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to Huacho, Peru, and including the Galapagos Islands (Ref. 9276). Western Atlantic: North Carolina, USA and Bermuda to South America (Ref. 7251). Eastern Atlantic: Cape Verde and west coast of Africa (Ref. 7348). Western Indian Ocean: South Africa (Ref. 4420) and Reunion (Ref. 53568).
 Diagnosis:  Dorsal spines (total): 3-3; Dorsal soft rays (total): 23-25; Anal spines: 0-0; Anal soft rays: 20-22. Head, body and fins of adults dark; body with elongated white spots that may disappear with growth (Ref. 4420). Description: Characterized further by having notably elevated anteriorly soft dorsal and anal rays; front of eye with deep groove; relatively elongate body, greatest depth 2.1-2.3 in SL; double emarginate caudal fin with lobes of adult slightly to moderately prolonged (Ref. 90102).
 Biology:  Found in shallow coastal and offshore waters (Ref. 9276, 11230). Epipelagic nearly all throughout life, often associated with drifting objects (Ref. 1602, 44187). May occur on deep rocky slopes (Ref. 7251). Feeds on zooplanktons (Ref. 89972). Appear to school in large numbers based on catches from set nets (Ref. 637). Oviparous (Ref. 205). Marketed fresh (Ref. 9770).
 IUCN Red List Status:   (Ref. 96402)
 Threat to humans:  reports of ciguatera poisoning
 Country info:   

 Entered by: Froese, Rainer - 02.05.91
 Modified by: Valdestamon, Roxanne Rei - 21.10.14
 Checked by: Matsuura, Keiichi - 02.10.95

Source and more info: For personal, classroom, and other internal use only. Not for publication.

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