Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
Asia | Afghanistan | AFG | introduced | 39701 |
Europe | Albania | ALB | introduced | 83428 |
South America | Argentina | ARG | introduced | 56821 |
Asia | Armenia | ARM | introduced | 41168 |
Europe | Belarus | BLR | introduced | 683 |
Europe | Belgium | BEL | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Bhutan | BTN | introduced | 9422 |
South America | Brazil | BRA | introduced | 79585 |
Europe | Bulgaria | BGR | introduced | 37297 |
Asia | Cambodia | KHM | introduced | 2686 |
Asia | China | CHN | native | 26561 |
Africa | Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | introduced | 13364 |
Europe | Croatia | HRV | introduced | 26920 |
North America | Cuba | CUB | introduced | 27158 |
Europe | Czechia | CZE | introduced | 26920 |
Africa | Egypt | EGY | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Ethiopia | ETH | introduced | 27123 |
Oceania | Fiji | FJI | introduced | 6366 |
Europe | Finland | FIN | introduced | 6114 |
Europe | France | FRA | introduced | 40476 |
South America | Guyana | GUY | introduced | 26042 |
North America | Honduras | HND | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Hong Kong | HKG | introduced | 48 |
Europe | Hungary | HUN | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | India | IND | introduced | 92228 |
Asia | Indonesia | IDN | introduced | 7050 |
Asia | Iran | IRN | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Iraq | IRQ | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Israel | ISR | introduced | 1739 |
North America | Jamaica | JAM | introduced | 26042 |
Asia | Japan | JPN | introduced | 559 |
Asia | Kazakhstan | KAZ | introduced | 683 |
Africa | Kenya | KEN | introduced | 52331 |
Asia | Korea (South) | KOR | introduced | 77001 |
Asia | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | introduced | 52064 |
Europe | Latvia | LVA | introduced | 55893 |
Africa | Mauritius | MUS | introduced | 1739 |
North America | Mexico | MEX | introduced | 58351 |
Europe | Moldova | MDA | introduced | 683 |
Asia | Mongolia | MNG | introduced | 57778 |
Africa | Morocco | MAR | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Myanmar | MMR | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Nepal | NPL | introduced | 85009 |
Oceania | New Zealand | NZL | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Nigeria | NGA | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Pakistan | PAK | introduced | 52665 |
North America | Panama | PAN | introduced | 1739 |
South America | Peru | PER | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Poland | POL | introduced | 92885 |
North America | Puerto Rico | PRI | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Réunion | REU | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Romania | ROU | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Russia | RUS | native | 45022 |
Africa | Rwanda | RWA | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Serbia | SRB | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Slovakia | SVK | introduced | 90058 |
Africa | South Africa | ZAF | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Sudan | SDN | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Sweden | SWE | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Tanzania | TZA | introduced | 4967 |
Asia | Thailand | THA | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Tunisia | TUN | introduced | 13686 |
Asia | Turkey | TUR | introduced | 57271 |
Asia | Turkmenistan | TKM | introduced | 30700 |
Europe | Ukraine | UKR | introduced | 12305 |
Asia | United Arab Em. | ARE | introduced | 48 |
South America | Uruguay | URY | introduced | 48 |
North America | USA | USA | introduced | 86798 |
Asia | Uzbekistan | UZB | introduced | 11145 |
Asia | Viet Nam | VNM | introduced | 44416 |
Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
Africa | Algeria | DZA | not established | 13686 |
Asia | Azerbaijan | AZE | not established | 59341 |
Asia | Bangladesh | BGD | not established | 1739 |
South America | Bolivia | BOL | not established | 1739 |
Asia | Brunei Darsm | BRN | not established | 26920 |
North America | Canada | CAN | not established | 12204 |
South America | Colombia | COL | not established | 1739 |
North America | Costa Rica | CRI | not established | 1739 |
Asia | Cyprus | CYP | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Denmark | DNK | not established | 9945 |
Europe | Germany | DEU | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Greece | GRC | not established | 1739 |
Oceania | Hawaii | HWI | not established | 1972 |
Europe | Italy | ITA | not established | 27118 |
Asia | Laos | LAO | not established | 2686 |
Asia | Malaysia | MYS | not established | 1739 |
Africa | Mozambique | MOZ | not established | 13686 |
Europe | Netherlands | NLD | not established | 1992 |
Asia | Philippines | PHL | not established | 6096 |
Asia | Singapore | SGP | not established | 1739 |
Asia | Sri Lanka | LKA | not established | 6028 |
Asia | Taiwan | TWN | not established | 6300 |
Europe | UK | GBR | not established | 5204 |
Continent | Country | Occurrence | Main Ref. | |
Asia | Afghanistan | AFG | introduced | 39701 |
Europe | Albania | ALB | introduced | 83428 |
Africa | Algeria | DZA | not established | 13686 |
South America | Argentina | ARG | introduced | 56821 |
Asia | Armenia | ARM | introduced | 41168 |
Asia | Azerbaijan | AZE | not established | 59341 |
Asia | Bangladesh | BGD | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Belarus | BLR | introduced | 683 |
Europe | Belgium | BEL | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Bhutan | BTN | introduced | 9422 |
South America | Bolivia | BOL | not established | 1739 |
South America | Brazil | BRA | introduced | 79585 |
Asia | Brunei Darsm | BRN | not established | 26920 |
Europe | Bulgaria | BGR | introduced | 37297 |
Asia | Cambodia | KHM | introduced | 2686 |
North America | Canada | CAN | not established | 12204 |
Asia | China | CHN | native | 26561 |
South America | Colombia | COL | not established | 1739 |
North America | Costa Rica | CRI | not established | 1739 |
Africa | Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | introduced | 13364 |
Europe | Croatia | HRV | introduced | 26920 |
North America | Cuba | CUB | introduced | 27158 |
Asia | Cyprus | CYP | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Czechia | CZE | introduced | 26920 |
Europe | Denmark | DNK | not established | 9945 |
Africa | Egypt | EGY | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Ethiopia | ETH | introduced | 27123 |
Oceania | Fiji | FJI | introduced | 6366 |
Europe | Finland | FIN | introduced | 6114 |
Europe | France | FRA | introduced | 40476 |
Europe | Germany | DEU | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Greece | GRC | not established | 1739 |
South America | Guyana | GUY | introduced | 26042 |
Oceania | Hawaii | HWI | not established | 1972 |
North America | Honduras | HND | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Hong Kong | HKG | introduced | 48 |
Europe | Hungary | HUN | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | India | IND | introduced | 92228 |
Asia | Indonesia | IDN | introduced | 7050 |
Asia | Iran | IRN | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Iraq | IRQ | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Israel | ISR | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Italy | ITA | not established | 27118 |
North America | Jamaica | JAM | introduced | 26042 |
Asia | Japan | JPN | introduced | 559 |
Asia | Kazakhstan | KAZ | introduced | 683 |
Africa | Kenya | KEN | introduced | 52331 |
Asia | Korea (South) | KOR | introduced | 77001 |
Asia | Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | introduced | 52064 |
Asia | Laos | LAO | not established | 2686 |
Europe | Latvia | LVA | introduced | 55893 |
Asia | Malaysia | MYS | not established | 1739 |
Africa | Mauritius | MUS | introduced | 1739 |
North America | Mexico | MEX | introduced | 58351 |
Europe | Moldova | MDA | introduced | 683 |
Asia | Mongolia | MNG | introduced | 57778 |
Africa | Morocco | MAR | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Mozambique | MOZ | not established | 13686 |
Asia | Myanmar | MMR | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Nepal | NPL | introduced | 85009 |
Europe | Netherlands | NLD | not established | 1992 |
Oceania | New Zealand | NZL | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Nigeria | NGA | introduced | 48 |
Asia | Pakistan | PAK | introduced | 52665 |
North America | Panama | PAN | introduced | 1739 |
South America | Peru | PER | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Philippines | PHL | not established | 6096 |
Europe | Poland | POL | introduced | 92885 |
North America | Puerto Rico | PRI | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Réunion | REU | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Romania | ROU | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Russia | RUS | native | 45022 |
Africa | Rwanda | RWA | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Serbia | SRB | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Singapore | SGP | not established | 1739 |
Europe | Slovakia | SVK | introduced | 90058 |
Africa | South Africa | ZAF | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Sri Lanka | LKA | not established | 6028 |
Africa | Sudan | SDN | introduced | 1739 |
Europe | Sweden | SWE | introduced | 1739 |
Asia | Taiwan | TWN | not established | 6300 |
Africa | Tanzania | TZA | introduced | 4967 |
Asia | Thailand | THA | introduced | 1739 |
Africa | Tunisia | TUN | introduced | 13686 |
Asia | Turkey | TUR | introduced | 57271 |
Asia | Turkmenistan | TKM | introduced | 30700 |
Europe | UK | GBR | not established | 5204 |
Europe | Ukraine | UKR | introduced | 12305 |
Asia | United Arab Em. | ARE | introduced | 48 |
South America | Uruguay | URY | introduced | 48 |
North America | USA | USA | introduced | 86798 |
Asia | Uzbekistan | UZB | introduced | 11145 |
Asia | Viet Nam | VNM | introduced | 44416 |
The map in this page was supported by BioFresh that has received funding from the
European Union's Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 226874