Remarks |
In 1990 reprint of Ref. 1998. 'Goldeye', i.e., the name is derived from the prominent eyes with large bright yellow pupils. Commercial exploitation of the goldeye has been reported as early as 1876. They have never been acceptable as fresh fish and their early use was as dog food. The taste of fresh goldeye was said to be insipid, muddy and like that of salted brown paper, the flesh is soft and an unattractive grey color. In the late 1800, the improved eating quality of smoked goldeye was noted and after 1911, the market for the smoked product increased rapidly. Production was once predominant from Lake Winnipeg (hence the common name, see 'Winnipeg goldeye'); catches declined rapidly (the last year with a substantial catch was 1938). Most of the present Canadian production come from Saskatchewan River and an Indian fishery in Sandy Lake. Originally, the smoking, over willow fires, was carried out at the fishing ports. Willow smoke apparently imparted both the color and flavour (color faded with storage). Present day goldeyes are treated with tasteless aniline dyes which colors the skin but not the flesh. It has been said that a Winnipeg goldeye represents the triumph of art over nature since the characteristic tast is essentially that of oakwood smoke, the texture improved by freezing and its name (Winnipeg) derived from a lake where it is no longer caught in appreciable quantities. |