List of Common Names for Gobie

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Language Country Species Type
Gobie Arabic Algeria Gobius niger Vernacular
Gobie Creole, French French Guiana Dormitator maculatus Vernacular
Gobie French French Guiana Eleotris pisonis Vernacular
Gobie French Gabon Sicydium brevifile Vernacular
Gobie French Maldives Amblyeleotris wheeleri Vernacular
Gobie French Maldives Amblyeleotris aurora Vernacular
Gobie French RĂ©union Glossogobius giuris Vernacular
Gobie French RĂ©union Cotylopus acutipinnis Vernacular
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cfm script by eagbayani, 28.08.01, php script by cmilitante, 04/03/10, last modified by cmilitante, 11/12/12