List of Common Names for Garoupa

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Language Country Species Type
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Epinephelus aeneus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Mycteroperca rubra Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Epinephelus goreensis Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Epinephelus fasciatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Epinephelus marginatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Cephalopholis nigri Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Angola Centrarchops chapini Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Epinephelus guttatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Epinephelus morio Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Epinephelus striatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Acanthistius brasilianus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Hyporthodus nigritus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Hyporthodus niveatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Mycteroperca microlepis Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Epinephelus marginatus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Alphestes afer Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Brazil Cephalopholis fulva Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Cape Verde Serranus scriba Vernacular
Garoupa Creole, Portuguese Cape Verde Cephalopholis taeniops Vernacular
Garoupa Creole, Portuguese Cape Verde Serranus sanctaehelenae Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Dominican Rp Cephalopholis nigri Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Mozambique Cephalopholis sonnerati Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Mozambique Meganthias natalensis Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Portugal Epinephelus itajara Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Portugal Serranus cabrilla Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Portugal Serranus scriba Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Madeira Is. Serranus atricauda Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Azores Is. Serranus atricauda Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Guinea-Bissau Polyprion americanus Vernacular
Garoupa Portuguese Guinea-Bissau Serranus cabrilla Vernacular
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