Biblio Entry Summary for Agrostichthys parkeri
Citation Roberts, T.R., 2012, Systematics, biology, and distribution of the species of the oceanic oarfish genus Regalecus (Teleostei, Lampridiformes, Regalecidae).. Paris: Mémoires du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle Tome 202, 268 p.
Ref. 92949 Roberts, T.R., 2012
Page 61-62
Named Used as Valid Agrostichthys parkeri
Distribution Collected relatively near the surface over or near the continental slope of New Zealand, Australia (with Tasmania), southern Namibia, and Argentina (including Falkland Is or Malvinias.
Quote For further information, see Benham (1903, orig. description); Benham & Dunbar (1906, cranial osteology); Oelschläger (1978); Trunov (1982, record from Southeast Atlantic Ocean); McDowall and Stewart (1999; new records in New Zealand waters; first report of electric discharge); and Trunov & Kukuev (2005) (records from Argentine Trench).
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