Biblio Entry Summary for Epinephelus marginatus
Citation Asensio, L., I. Gonzalez, A. Fernandez, M.A. Rodriguez, E. Lobo, P.E. Hernandez, T. Garcia and R. Martin, 2002, Application of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Analysis for identification of grouper (Epinephelus guaza), wreck fish (Polyprion americanus), and nile perch (Lates niloticus) fillets.. J. Food Prot., 65(2): 432-435.
Ref. 92532 Asensio, L., I. Gonzalez, A. Fernandez, M.A. Rodriguez, E. Lobo, P.E. Hernandez, T. Garcia and R. Martin, 2002
Named Used as Valid Epinephelus guaza
Comment Entered by query for bibliographic purposes (NB), reference not used yet.
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