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Culture System for Chanos chanos
 Main ref.
 Name of Farm
 Altitude (m)
 Type of culture
 Sex of fish (m)
 Culture system
 intensive ponds
 Production units
 Area (ha)
 Depth (m)
 Main water source
 Supplemental water source
Temp (°C)
Oxygen (mg/I)
Oxygen (%)
(mg/I CaCO3)
 Description of culture system
 Stocking density: >20,000 fish/ha.
 Nutrient inputs
 Main food
 only added feed
 Feed quantity
 (% BW/D):
 Feed quality (% crued protein)
 Fertilizer input (N)
 Description of Nutrient input
 Commercial feed alone.
 Unit cycle
 Production period
 Production cycle
 Production: 2-3 crops/year or 4,000-12,000 kg/ha/yr.
Entered by :   Luna, Susan M. - 2003-07-09          
cfm script by eagbayani, 05.09.99 ,  php script by celloran, 12.10.07 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 31/08/2011