Web Sites with Aquarium Maintenance Information for Ameiurus nebulosus
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Site Description
Ancistrus, Ameiurus & Co...Information and pictures by Datz-author Reinhold Wawrzynski; Language: German.
Catfish and more ... / Welse und mehr ...Information and pictures by Wolfgang Ros; Language: German.
Catfish and more ... / Welse und mehr ...Wawrzynski, Reinhold: Katzenwelse (Ameiurus nebulosus) - damals wie heute.
Catfish and more ... / Welse und mehr ...Datz 11/2004-Article (Aquarienpraxis) "Katzenwelse sind gar nicht so" by Reinhold Wawrzynski; Language: German.
cfm script by eagbayani, 15.01.05 ,  php script by cmilitante, 27/09/10 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 27/09/10